Kingdom Builder
Today I will be joining thousands of others to celebrate the life of an amazing man. Most of you reading this blog have never heard of him. He was not about fame or recognition. From the first day I met him until his passing on his eighty-fifth birthday, he was about one thing…the kingdom of God.
Wendel Cover, in his last great act, was pastor of Word of Life Assembly of God in Springfield, VA. For the last half-century, he built one of the most amazing kingdom-focused churches on earth. And then, two weeks ago, Word of Life celebrated his eighty-fifth birthday. Yes, he was still the senior pastor at age eighty-five! Later that day, he went home, went to bed and woke up in heaven!
I tried to find his obituary. I’ve looked everywhere. This man did so many amazing things, and I can’t find record of any of those things. I think Wendel probably designed his own obit…nothing. That was his style. But when you look on the website that was supposed to be his obituary, you find page after page after page of people who experienced life change because of this man! My story is one of those. My life was radically impacted by Wendel. At the lowest times in my life and at the highest, Wendel was constantly the great encourager to me. And I was only one of thousands who could say the same thing. Here is my short comment on the legacy of a most amazing man…
Wendel Cover was a true hero and mentor to an entire generation of pastors. I am one of them. He was a great encourager. I was so blessed to call him friend.
Jeff Fitzgerald
August 2, 2019 @ 7:46 am
Pastor Wendell was one of my first pastors in the late 1980s. Changed lives and unrelenting ministry are his legacy. What a way to enter in, a party on this side and one on the other.